Meeting the Budget Reductions

As the town moves toward an April 30 vote on a recommended budget, the Board of Education and Supt. Van Riley have discussed recommended ways to adjust the proposed school spending plan for the 2013 – 2014 fiscal year to meet a $150,000 reduction.

Recommended adjustments are:

– Using some accounts that may have unexpended funds in the current fiscal year to advance purchase items needed for the upcoming year.

– Renegotiate the school bus contract, a move that could save $10,000.

– Unanticipated resignations and retirements, which could save $50,000 to $80,000 as new hired are brought in at lower salary levels.

– Reconfigure the business and maintenance/operations departments.

– Reducing spending on overtime and substitutes for non-teaching positions in certain instances that could save between $10,000 and $20,000.

Although the Board of Finance had recommended reducing the proposed school budget by $250,000, following the budget public hearing, the finance board restored $100,000 to the recommended school budget.

If the budget is not accepted at the April 30 vote, more money is likely to be cut from the recommended budget.

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